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Northglenn Legion Latest’s Announcements

Post 22 has one of the few fully uniformed Honor Guard units in the region. This elite unit provides funeral services for veterans, leads local parades, posts colors for special events and conducts ceremonies to properly retire any American flags that have come to the end of their service.

Our Honor Guard is 100 % self-sustainable and no funds are being spent from the post coffers to maintain it. Every individual that serves in this unit does so with great pride and honor because, as veterans, we all understand the importance and significance of the ceremonies we perform.  The services we provide are invaluable to the community, to all veterans and to their families.

History of the three-rifle volley during a military funeral:

The three-rifle volley consists of no less than three and no more than seven rifles firing three volleys in memory of the fallen. The original history comes from the Roman era that at the end of the day of battle when the field of battle was cleared, if the soldier removing the slain soldier knew the name of the soldier, then they would call his name three times into the night as a form of remembering their sacrifice.

Typically three fired cartridges are placed into the folded flag prior to presentation to the next of kin; the cartridges signify “duty, honor, and sacrifice.”

This should not be confused with the 21-gun salute (or 19-gun or 17-gun, etc.) which is fired by a battery of artillery pieces.

Honor Bell Foundation:

“Forged From Honor”

Every year in Colorado, many veterans, from World War II to the Global War on Terror, are buried without meaningful military honors. The reasons are simple: lack of personnel, lack of funds—the story would be mundane if it weren’t so tragic. These men and women who selflessly offered their lives to protect our Liberty and our values are laid to rest without even the honors that were promised to them. And while all parties do their best, there is still more that can be done.

The Honor Bell Foundation seeks to remedy that, by creating a community of veterans to foster public appreciation of military service, and honor their fellow veterans with a proper, final tribute. We have commissioned a custom Honor Bell, forged from bronze, including medals and insignia from veterans, to be rung by a corps of former service members from all conflicts and military branches.

To volunteer, donate or request the Honor Bell visit:

Latest News from the Post 22 Honor Guard:

All Legionnaires of Post 22 are welcome and encouraged to become a member of our Honor Guard.

If you are interested in joining us, or would you like to request the Honor Guard’s presences, contact Rick Reeves @ 303-550-4828 or  by calling the post during regular hours @ 303-452-4767. or fill out the form below.

Poem submitted by: George Cox

Thru rain or sleet or heat or snow,
the American Legion Honor Guard will go.

To perform their duties on command
in honor of all those who defended this land.

Their gesture of good deeds for the family bereaved
will bring comfort and closure to what they have achieved.